The End of Miracles: A Novel by Monica Starkman

By Monica Starkman

International booklet Awards 2016 finalist for literary fiction

The finish of Miracles is a twisting, haunting tale concerning the drastic results of a pissed off obsession.

A girl with a fancy prior wishes not anything greater than to develop into a mom, yet struggles with infertility and miscarriage. She is briefly comforted by means of a wish-fulfilling fake being pregnant, but if truth unavoidably dashes that fable, she falls right into a melancholy so deep she has to be hospitalized. The sometimes-turbulent setting of the psychiatry unit rattles her and makes her worry for her sanity, and he or she flees. outdoor, she unexpectedly commits a startling act with harrowing outcomes for herself and others.

This emotionally gripping novel is a suspenseful trip around the blurred limitations among sanity and insanity, melancholy and healing.

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SHADOW OF TURNING by Clayton Carpenter

By Clayton Carpenter

"When opportunists with felony reasons bug their manner into the ability constitution of a big tuition method, compromise legislations enforcement, and achieve entry to all that tax funds, “education” takes on a complete new which means. As occasions expand, gruesome acts of violence, disguised as injuries, are inflicted upon those that “get within the way.” while Ben Kelly, a guy on shaky emotional underpinnings, increases questions, he reveals himself a goal through those that will cease at not anything to hold out their felonious schemes. His distinct direction via difficult situations down a deadly highway of motion presents the force for what occurs to him and people round him.

In The Annunaki lady, Rena, station leader of an interstellar craft, includes out her orders to aim trap of a human with strange DNA parts. All hell breaks unfastened. She is shocked whilst her topic, Ben Kelly, and partners react with lethal strength and annihilate her group. extra lethal occasions transpire and Rena is pressured into difficult judgements which throw her into clash together with her personal humans. Her difficulties are complex by means of manifestations of Earth’s improvement of The Singularity, the intrusion of historic races, and entities guarding outdated secrets and techniques rising to have interaction her. Rena and Kelly are thrown jointly to outlive. The motion roars out of latest Orleans into Arkansas and to different areas farther north after which directly to different very assorted areas very a ways away."

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At the Bay by Katherine Mansfield

By Katherine Mansfield

an excellent modernist classic--now to be had for the 1st time in a stand-alone edition

This dreamy, officially audacious tale of a summer's day within the lifetime of one kinfolk is a small masterpiece through Katherine Mansfield, hailed as "one of the nice modernist writers. Virginia Woolf acknowledged of Mansfield, hers was once "the merely writing i've got ever been jealous of."

A modernist grasp of cool precision and outstanding delicacy, Mansfield wrote approximately kinfolk lifestyles with a pointy radicalism, and At the Bay is considered one of her maximum works. instructed in 13 elements, starting early within the morning and finishing at nightfall, At the Bay captures either the Burnell family's tricky internet of family members and acquaintances, and the dreamy, unassuming ordinary fantastic thing about Crescent Bay.

Haunting yet ever understated, At the Bay is as undying novella, and a testomony to Mansfield's amazing powers.

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Runaways & Angels by Beth Marsh

By Beth Marsh

FBI agent Samantha Hill is new to the Behavioral research Unit yet she is ultimately dwelling her dream. She is removing serial killers just like the person who murdered her cousin once they have been young children. She was once at the task purely days whilst the staff is wear the case of a serial killer that pursuits runaways after which sends packets to their mom and dad inclusing photos and info of the way he killed them. THe packets are a brand new twist within the bowels of his unwell brain in an try and torture even the residing. yet in the course of all that one other serial killer's reign of terror turns into obvious, specifically whilst it hits a member of the crew challenging. after which the threatening letters start to arrive... Can she cease those serial killers and live to tell the tale her stalker?

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Arousal by RM Conté

By RM Conté

Richard and Beth Anderson, top, middle-class mom and dad of their overdue thirties, warily settle for a friend's invitation to go to a swingers' membership. numerous visits later, they detect they benefit from the way of life and develop into contributors of membership Climax. The membership offers them a venue for the most popular intercourse in their lives with one another, with their acquaintances and with strangers. regrettably, what is going on on the membership isn't really all sturdy, fresh enjoyable as Richard discovers. changing into pals with an unsavory couple and the bad offerings that consequence, brings turmoil to many features of his lifestyles together with his marriage, paintings as an architect and his very existence.

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Jeanette by Joe Simpson Walker

By Joe Simpson Walker

it is the early Nineteen Sixties, a time whilst fetishism, bondage, masochism, transvestism and homosexuality are nonetheless condemned as perversions. Jeanette Hesketh is a afflicted lady. Excluded from college after a psychological breakdown, she has just one confidante: Mark baby, an enticing yet risky younger guy. Their unusual courting is hidden from throughout them, and Jeanette needs to locate her means via a maze of secrets and techniques and betrayal, wants and disillusionment, fictions and confession, as she struggles for her sanity in an international of worry and forbidden longings. relations secret. Black farce. Hallucinatory psychodrama. Kinky love tale. JEANETTE by means of Joe Simpson Walker.

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Deux lieux, quatre hommes, deux femmes : destins croisés by Gladys Leroy-Villeneuve

By Gladys Leroy-Villeneuve

Le type de tous obéit peut-être à une nécessité. Mais celle-ci nous reste imprecise. Nous n'avons jamais les moyens de connaître à l'avance nos destinées. S'il nous semble parfois avoir le choix, los angeles plupart du temps, nous savons qu'il n'en est rien. Ainsi, il ne nous reste plus qu'à essayer de recomposer le puzzle qui nous a menés à un definite fast, et à un état sure. Pour l. a. plupart des explanations, il restera incomplet, peut-être tout simplement parce que l. a. vie n'a pas été créée pour l. a. comprendre, mais pour los angeles vivre. Pour un auteur, ce jeu de puzzles offre, avec le maniement de l. a. langue, un plaisir peu concurrencé. Ce plaisir, il espère le partager avec son lecteur. Dans ce quatrième roman, l'auteur excelle à mettre en position les rouages complexes inhérents à toute humaine. En ménageant suspense et surprises, elle révèle, avec finesse, vraisemblance et empathie, les tragiques soubresauts des consciences confrontées au pire.

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Houvast (Dutch Edition) by Harlan Coben,Martin Jansen in de Wal

By Harlan Coben,Martin Jansen in de Wal

Hoe ver ga je om je style te beschermen? Tia en Mike Baye hadden nooit gedacht dat ze in een stel overbezorgde ouders zouden veranderen. Maar hun tienerzoon Adam is ongewoon afwezig. En na de zelfmoord van zijn klasgenoot Spencer Hill zijn ze helemaal bezorgd. Ze installeren een programma op Adams laptop en al na enkele dagen worden ze opgeschrikt door een electronic mail van een onbekende afzender: ‘Hou je gedeisd en alles komt goed.’ Terwijl Betsy Hill een web site voor haar zoon bekijkt, samengesteld door zijn klasgenoten, valt haar oog op een foto die lijkt te zijn gemaakt op de avond van zijn zelfmoord. Spencer was once niet alleen… Betsy meent Adam Baye te herkennen op de foto – en als die vervolgens vermist wordt, voorspelt dit weinig goeds. Tia en Mike Baye zullen voor zichzelf de vraag moeten beantwoorden: wil je echt álles van je kinderen weten?

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Un amour de manipulateur (French Edition) by Pascal-Henri Poiget

By Pascal-Henri Poiget

Mariée depuis dix ans, professionnelle à l. a. carrière réussie, elle tombe follement amoureuse d’un jeune homme qu’elle soupçonne être un escort. Ce sera pire ! Sa vie va vite voler en éclats, de son plein gré. Jusqu’à un double choc causé par une révélation extérieure inattendue.
2% des humains sont des manipulateurs qui, souvent, s’ignorent. Séducteurs ou réservés, conscients ou non, ils parviennent à nous culpabiliser, à nous dévaloriser, à semer le doute en nous, jusqu’à nous détruire psychologiquement.
Tiré d’une histoire vraie, ce roman a été éclairé par l’ouvrage d’Isabelle Nazare-Aga, Psychothérapeute, conférencière et auteure de : « Les manipulateurs sont parmi nous ».

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