Datavision² (French Edition) by David MCCANDLESS,Anna POSTEL


<strong>Après le succès de Datavision, le nouveau chef-d'œuvre graphique de David McCandless.</strong>

Le savoir est un paintings.

Bien plus que des miscellanées visuelles, Datavision² est un voyage fantastique dans l'épaisseur de notre monde, de nos vies, de nos esprits, sublimé par l'humour et le kind inimitable de David McCandless.
Si le greatest ouvrage s'intéressait à l'information et aux données d'actualité, Datavision² franchit une étape et offre une plongée dans les eaux profondes de l. a. connaissance et de l'histoire humaine. David McCandless pose les fondations d'une technological know-how de l. a. représentation des données complexes : los angeles datavisualisation. Le livre fait l. a. magistrale démonstration que celle-ci permet une approche plus directe, mieux hiérarchisée, plus facilement mémorisable et plus séduisante du savoir universel.
Une guerre nucléaire totale est-elle envisageable ? Quels sont les secrets and techniques des grands séducteurs ? Quelle est los angeles plus puissante des superpuissances ? L'huile empêche-t-elle les pâtes de coller ? Quels sont les mots de passe les plus utilisés sur le internet ? remark augmenter son espérance de vie ? Quelle est los angeles fiabilité des études scientifiques ? Quelles villes seront sous l'eau en 2100 ? Datavision² recèle los angeles réponse graphique (et esthétique) à toutes ces questions et à bien d'autres encore.

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Aufbau vor laufender Kamera: Geschichten aus meinem Leben by Armin Maiwald

By Armin Maiwald

Armin Maiwald über sein bewegtes Leben – und die Anfänge des (Kinder-)Fernsehens in Deutschland
Seine Stimme kennt jeder. Seit über forty Jahren erzählt Armin Maiwald Sachgeschichten für Kinder. Und jetzt erzählt er auf seine unnachahmliche paintings – »solange das Gedächtnis noch funktioniert« – anlässlich seines seventy five. Geburtstags zum ersten Mal Geschichten in eigener Sache, angefangen beim Wiederaufbau nach dem Krieg und seinen ersten Schritten beim Theater und im Fernsehstudio. »Das ist viel zu schnell, das geht komplett über die Köpfe der Kinder hinweg« – zeitgenössische Reaktion auf die allerersten Sachgeschichten für Kinder, die heute recht lahm geschnitten wirken. Töne für Außendrehs wurden damals mit einer »Mikroport«-Anlage gemacht, für die guy eine Sendelizenz der Deutschen Bundespost brauchte; geschnitten wurde an vorsintflutlichen klobigen Maschinen. So fing das an mit dem Kinderfernsehen in Köln, und Armin Maiwald, der Vater der »Maus«, warfare von Anfang an dabei. Alles wurde zum ersten Mal gemacht, jeder neuer movie brauchte nicht nur gute Ideen, sondern auch ganz viel Recherche und Ausprobieren, bis ein Sachverhalt – »Wie kommt das Ei auf den Frühstückstisch?« – richtig erklärt und dargestellt battle. Und die Technik dafür musste immer miterfunden werden. Armin Maiwald erzählt in seiner schnörkellosen paintings von diesem ständigen kreativen Improvisieren, das nicht nur seine Arbeit als Fernsehproduzent, sondern sein ganzes Leben geprägt hat. Und er muss selbst staunen, wie viel sich verändert hat seit den Anfängen im kriegszerstörten Köln.

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Location Lighting for Television by Alan Bermingham

By Alan Bermingham

the 1st ebook of its variety to introduce the issues of situation lighting fixtures for unmarried digital camera operators and supply an perception into the know-how and methods required to unravel these difficulties. The strategy is of a uncomplicated and introductory nature, aimed toward the scholar and trainee cameraman. pros wanting a refresher direction at the topic also will locate this a useful reference jam-packed with key info, thought and functional methods to assorted lights situations.

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Ovid's Myth of Pygmalion on Screen: In Pursuit of the by Paula James

By Paula James

Why has the parable of Pygmalion and his ivory statue proved so inspirational for writers, artists, philosophers, scientists, and administrators and creators of movies and tv sequence? The ‘authorised’ model of the tale seems to be within the epic poem of alterations, Metamorphoses, by way of the first-century CE Latin poet Ovid; during which the bard Orpheus narrates the legend of the sculptor king of Cyprus whose appealing carved girl was once delivered to existence by way of the goddess Venus.
Focusing on reveal storylines with a Pygmalion subtext, from silent cinema to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lars and the genuine Girl, this publication appears to be like at why and the way the made-over or synthetic girl has survived during the centuries and what we will find out about this troublesome version of ‘perfection’ from the viewpoint of the prior and the current. Given the myriad representations of Ovid’s fantasy, do we relatively make a contemporary textual content a device of interpretation for an historic poem? This e-book solutions with a convincing ‘yes’ and explains why it's so vital to provide antiquity again its future.

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Music Editing for Film and Television: The Art and the by Steven Saltzman

By Steven Saltzman

Making song for the flicks is a classy, concerned, and not easy procedure. Music enhancing for movie and tv covers the sensible talents had to effectively hone your craft. via an summary of the track modifying procedure, this booklet will equip you with designated ideas to unravel musical difficulties encountered in the course of modifying. An abundance of interviews with recognized pros supply a variety of views on tune enhancing for movie, whereas designated gains deal with an array of tasks, from a least expensive documentary, to a Hollywood blockbuster, to indie tasks.

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Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory by Roberta Pearson,Philip Simpson

By Roberta Pearson,Philip Simpson

The Critical Dictionary of movie and tv Theory truly and accessibly explains the most important theoretical methods now deployed within the learn of the relocating photograph, in addition to defining key theoretical terms.
This dictionary offers readers with the conceptual gear to appreciate the customarily daunting language and terminology of monitor reviews. Entries contain: *audience * Homi okay. Bhabha * black cinema * the physique * kids and media * commodification * cop indicates * deep concentration * Umberto Eco * the gaze * Donna Haraway * bell hooks * infotainment * grasp narrative * clinical dramas * morpheme * fable * panopticon * pastiche * excitement * actual time * social realism * sponsorship * game on tv * subliminal * 3rd cinema * digital reality
Consultant Editors:
David Black, united states, William Urricchio, college of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Gill Branston, Cardiff collage,
UK ,Elayne Rapping, USA

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M.A.S.H. FAQ: Everything Left to Know About the Best Care by Dale Sherman

By Dale Sherman

(FAQ). this is the lowdown at the unforgettable express concerning the Forgotten battle. M*A*S*H begun as a unique written through a health practitioner who have been in a cellular military Surgical medical institution throughout the Korean struggle. After being rejected a number of instances, the unconventional could pass directly to develop into a bestseller, resulting in 14 sequels, an Oscar-winning motion picture that propelled its director and actors to stardom, and a multiple-Emmy-winning tv sequence that lasted approximately 4 occasions the size of the battle. M.A.S.H. FAQ appears at how the unconventional got here to be, its follow-ups in literary shape, the production of the preferred motion picture, and most significantly the tv sequence that remodeled comedy and tv within the Seventies. incorporated are chapters at the top-20 pranks of M*A*S*H , the solid participants' careers prior to and after the tv convey, recognized visitor appearances, and films proven within the mess corridor. past the fiction, M.A.S.H. FAQ additionally incorporates a short bankruptcy to place the warfare into viewpoint for simple referral and appears at what resulted in the Korean conflict, how such clinical devices functioned, and the way M*A*S*H formed our belief of the era.

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Soap Fans: Pursuing Pleasure and Making Meaning in Everyday by Carine Harrington

By Carine Harrington

Do cleaning soap opera lovers deserve their recognition as lonely humans, hopeless losers, or bored housewives? No, in response to C. Lee Harrington and Denise D. Bielby. those authors—soap lovers themselves—argue that cleaning soap lovers are common people who translate their cleaning soap looking at right into a huge variety of private and non-private adventure. those that lower throughout all different types of age, gender, race, ethnicity, source of revenue, schooling, and beliefs include a love of the soaps into their daily rest activities.

Interviews with cleaning soap opera audience, actors, writers, manufacturers, administrators, the sunlight hours press, and fan membership employees participants show interesting information about the interior international of fandom and the multitude of shops for fan expression—clubs, newsletters, digital bulletin forums, and public occasions. quite a few examples illustrate the excitement fanatics derive from critiquing characters, speculating on plot twists, and swapping memorabilia.

Examining the stories that form fan tradition, Harrington and Bielby examine the narrative constitution and diverse features of the creation of the soaps. Their exam finds that the "meaning" of soaps is complicated, individualized, and never easily a mirrored image of the narrative content material of the tales. The authors exhibit lovers who actively reflect on what it skill to be a fan, and who regulate their point of involvement accordingly.

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