Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of by Maura J. Mills

By Maura J. Mills

Conflict among paintings and relatives has been a subject of debate because the starting of the women's flow, yet fresh alterations in family members buildings and group demographics have made it transparent that the problems influence either men and women. whereas employers and policymakers fight to navigate this new terrain, critics cost that the learn area, too, has been sluggish to respond.

Gender and the Work-Family Experience places a number of faces – male in addition to woman – on advanced realities with interdisciplinary and cross-cultural understanding and research-based perception. along with reviewing the country of gender roles as they have an effect on domestic and profession, this in-depth reference examines and compares how men and women adventure work-family clash and its outcomes for relationships at domestic in addition to results at the task. themes as wide-ranging as gendered occupations, gender and shiftwork, heteronormative assumptions, the parable of the right employee, and gendered points of work-family guilt replicate major alterations in society and exhibit vital implications for either learn and coverage. additionally incorporated within the coverage: 

  • Gender ideology and work-family plans of the subsequent generation
  • Gender, poverty, and the work-family interface
  • The double jeopardy impression: the significance of gender and race in work-family research
  • When paintings intrudes upon staff’ own time: does gender matter?
  • Work-family equality: the significance of a degree enjoying box at home
  • Women in STEM: family-related demanding situations and initiatives
  • Family-friendly organizational rules, practices, and merits throughout the gender lens

Geared towards work-family and gender researchers in addition to scholars and educators in quite a few fields, Gender and the Work-Family Experience will locate readers within the fields of commercial and organizational psychology, company administration, social psychology, sociology, gender reports, women’s stories, and public coverage, between others..

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