Moral Development Theories -- Secular and Religious: A by R. Murray Thomas

By R. Murray Thomas

Moral improvement Theories―Secular and Religious introduces readers to thirteen secular versions and 13d non secular theories in a wide-ranging comparative examine of the roots of ethical improvement. The secular types contain attribution thought, cognitive-structural perspectives, social-learning and social-cognition methods, Freud's psychoanalysis (plus Erikson and Fromm), Marxist ideals, a composite conception, Hoffman's perception of empathy, Anderson's information-integration view, Gilligan's gender contrast, Sutherland and Cressey's rationalization of delinquency, and Lovinger on ego improvement. non secular theories signify the Judaic-Christian-Islamic line, Hinduism and derivatives (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism), Confucianism, Shinto, and 4 minor theories drawn from the assumption structures of the Navajo, Zulus, Vodou adherents, and Okinawans.

The description of every idea is designed to respond to a typical set of questions brought in bankruptcy 1. The last component to every one bankruptcy evaluates that chapter's theories by way of a sequence of overview criteria defined in bankruptcy 2. The book's ultimate bankruptcy inspects all the theories from the perspective of 5 wants that folks frequently carry in terms of their conceptions of ethical improvement. the needs are: (a) for immanent justice; (b) to appreciate the explanations of the implications that outcome from people's habit in ethical events; (c) to develop into immortal; (d) to take pleasure in a contented existence, and (e) to appreciate the moral-development method with a view to aid others who desire ethical guidance.

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