The Interactionist Imagination: Studying Meaning, Situation by Michael Hviid Jacobsen

By Michael Hviid Jacobsen

This publication outlines the historical past and advancements of interactionist social inspiration via a attention of its key figures. prepared chronologically, each one bankruptcy illustrates the effect that exact sociologists operating inside an interactionism framework have had on interactionism as viewpoint and at the self-discipline of sociology as such. It offers analyses of interactionist theorists from Georg Simmel via to Herbert Bulmer and Erving Goffman and onto the more moderen contributions of Arlie R. Hochschild and Gary Alan wonderful. via an engagement with the newest scholarship this paintings indicates that during a self-discipline frequently all for macrosocial advancements and large-scale buildings, the interactionist viewpoint which privileges the examine of human interplay has endured relevance. The wide scope of this ebook will make it a useful source for students and scholars of sociology, social concept, cultural stories, media stories, social psychology, criminology and anthropology.

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