Adaptive Knowing: Epistemology from a Realistic Standpoint by J.K. Feibleman

By J.K. Feibleman

the purchase of data isn't really a unmarried unrelated celebration yet quite an adaptive strategy within which earlier acquisitions adjust current and destiny ones. partially I of this essay in epistemology it really is argued that dealing with wisdom isn't a passive affair yet dynamic and lively, regarding its continuance into the phases of assimilation and deployment. partly II a couple of particular concerns are raised and mentioned on the way to discover the size and the depths of the workings of adaptive figuring out. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS "Activity as A resource of data" first seemed in Tulane reports in Philosophy, XII, 1963; "Knowing, Doing and Being" in Ratio, VI, 1964; "On ideals and Believing" in Tulane reviews, XV, 1966; "Absent items" in Tulane experiences, XVII, 1968; "The fact video game" in Tulane reports, XVIII, 1969; "Adaptive Responses and The Ecosys­ tem" in Tulane reviews, XVIII, 1969; "The Mind-Body challenge" within the Philosophical magazine, VII, 1970; and "The wisdom of The identified" within the foreign good judgment evaluation, I, 1970. half I dealing with wisdom bankruptcy I the matter of information I. the selected method you're approximately to learn a examine of epistemology, one that has been made of a practical viewpoint. it isn't the 1st of such interpre­ tations, and it'll now not be the last.

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