Black & White: Land, Labor, and Politics in the South by T. Thomas Fortune,Seth Moglen

By T. Thomas Fortune,Seth Moglen

This re-creation of T. Thomas Fortune's masterpiece -- initially released in 1884 -- provides a vintage paintings of African-American political inspiration to a brand new new release of readers.

just like the highbrow giants who emerged prior to and after him -- Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Du Bois -- T. Thomas Fortune was once a author, activist, and public highbrow. Born into slavery, Fortune grew to become the top black journalist of his iteration, and he used to be the main eloquent and influential African-American radical of the overdue 19th century.

Black and White bargains Fortune's excellent research of racism as a systemic, institutionalized perform that had undermined America's Enlightenment beliefs from the time of the nation's founding. saying that the abolition of slavery had on no account decreased the virulence of white racism, he insisted that share-cropping, chain gangs, lynching, and the denial of civil rights had pressured black american citizens right into a poor new type of enslavement. With a prophetic voice, Fortune argued that if the U.S. used to be ever to achieve its long-betrayed promise of equality, it should needn't simply to finish racial prejudice but in addition to create a extra simply monetary order.

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