Conservation of Wood Artifacts: A Handbook (Natural Science by A. Unger,A.P. Schniewind,W. Unger

By A. Unger,A.P. Schniewind,W. Unger

The impetus for this e-book used to be the will to systematically set up the extant literature at the conservation of cultural estate made up of wooden, from its beginnings ahead of the Christian period to the yr 2000. quite a few released reports and monographs, together with Holzkonservierung (Wood Conserva­ tion) released by way of the senior writer in 1988, have seemed through the years, in particular in English and in German. they've got supplied exemplary deal with­ benefit of person components or facets of wooden conservation, yet a comprehen­ sive, up to date exposition of ancient and present advancements has been missing. the various expert fields of the authors, in addition to their insights into tools of conservation and recovery of wooden artifacts in Europe, North the US, and Asia supplied an excellent foundation for the good fortune of this below­ taking. one of many ambitions throughout the exam of the literature used to be that not just famous conservators and scientists from international locations which are leaders in wooden conservation could be represented, yet that much less famous, frequently now not as with no trouble obtainable contributions also needs to be incorporated. in basic terms during this demeanour was once it attainable to attract a accomplished photograph of the nationwide and overseas country of wooden conservation. The paintings and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA) of the Getty Institute have been very worthy in our efforts to judge as many courses as possible.

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Das kurze Glück der Gegenwart: Deutschsprachige Literatur by Richard Kämmerlings

By Richard Kämmerlings

Wofür brauchen wir überhaupt Gegenwartsliteratur?

Wer heute den Roman eines deutschsprachigen Autors in die Hand nimmt, darf die Erwartung haben, darin etwas über die Zeit zu erfahren, in der er lebt.

Der Literaturkritiker Richard Kämmerlings erzählt sehr persönlich von literarischen Glanzlichtern der letzten 20 Jahre und der Zeit, die sie spiegeln. Von den Kriegen und intercourse, von Wirtschaftkrise und Berlin-Boom, von Terror und Migration.
Literaturgeschichte als Zeitgeschichte und großes Lesevergnügen.

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Gleaner or Gladiator: The Struggle to Create by Lyne Marshall,Peter Marshall

By Lyne Marshall,Peter Marshall

the writer, Lyne Marshall, is a modern Australian artist whose ongoing learn into inventive methods has encouraged, comforted and supported those that search to assert creative imaginative and prescient in a typical, loose and leading edge means. This ebook addresses the inventive trip, from examine to the studio and directly to the gallery, a street usually fraught with hindrances. Lyne takes the reader during the actual, mental and non secular facets of making whereas puzzling over at the gains of discovering actual course and focus.

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What They Didn't Teach You in Fashion School (What They by Jay Calderin

By Jay Calderin

How do you navigate the complicated and aggressive style global after the relative convenience of favor institution? How do you discover ways to adapt to an that always evolves and throws new demanding situations your approach? And especially, how do you play on your strengths as a dressmaker, and construct a winning occupation in business.

What they did not educate You in type college is your survival consultant to the style undefined. supplying specialist suggestion, and many notion, Jay Calderin indicates you the way to make a super profession within the exhilarating global of fashion.

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Aprèslude : Hommage à Serge Gainsbourg (French Edition) by Lea Schock

By Lea Schock

Lea Schock s‘est fait un nom en fixant pour l. a. postérité les photographs fuyantes que des mains anonymes avaient dessinées sur le pignon de l. a.
maison sise rue Verneuil où Gainsbourg a goé l‘essentiel de sa vie.
Ses expositions lui ont valu les plus enviables commentaires de los angeles half de nos meilleurs opinions d‘art. Chaque fois qu‘elle reveal on s‘étonne de sa capacité de rendre à los angeles beauté et au mystère leur position dans le monde des arts. Ses œuvres sont éparpillées dans de nombreuses
collections privées. ...” (Gaston Vogel)

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Le meraviglie dei Musei Vaticani (Italian Edition) by Gianfranco Ravasi

By Gianfranco Ravasi

«Una vera e propria oasi di bellezza e di luce che emoziona tutti coloro che vi si accostano provenendo da ogni regione della terra»: sono i Musei Vaticani, uno scrigno di inestimabili tesori artistici nello Stato più piccolo del mondo. A condurci in questa ideale visita tra le sterminate collezioni e gli splendidi edifici che le ospitano, frutto del mecenatismo di vari pontefici, è un accompagnatore d'eccezione: il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi. l. a. sua non vuole essere una guida minuziosa e sistematica o una trattazione storico-critica, ma l. a. condivisione di «un itinerario narrativo personale» animato dallo stupore, arricchito di affascinanti suggestioni culturali e curiosi aneddoti. In queste sale, dove si incontrano «bellezza e verità, estetica e trascendenza, immagine e mistero, realtà e simbolo», confluiscono are available in un immenso oceano innumerevoli fiumi. Dalle lontananze misteriose dell'arte egizia alle grandi sculture dell'antichità classica, come il Laocoonte, dai sarcofagi etruschi a quelli romani e paleocristiani, alle originali testimonianze di terre e civiltà distant, come un insolito crocifisso eschimese, una singolare statua precolombiana del «serpente piumato», il dio Quetzalcóatl, o una piroga cerimoniale di un'isola delle Salomone. Si arriva così al cuore delle raccolte, rappresentato dalla Pinacoteca Vaticana e da quella «sequenza di vere e proprie epifanie di arte e fede» che sono gli appartamenti papali e le cappelle. Qui dominano i giganti della pittura italiana: dal Giotto del Trittico Stefaneschi al Caravaggio della drammatica Deposizione, passando in keeping with i maestri del Rinascimento, il Raffaello della Scuola di Atene e di altri capolavori, il Leonardo del San Girolamo, una tavola dalle vicende rocambolesche, il Michelangelo degli affreschi sublimi, insieme advert altre determine di primo piano, come Pinturicchio, Botticelli, Beato Angelico, Ghirlandaio, Perugino. Sorprendente è anche los angeles Collezione di Arte Contemporanea: da Van Gogh, autore di una struggente Pietà, a Matisse, con i progetti in line with los angeles decorazione della Cappella del Rosario di Vence, un'opera legata a un'intensa corrispondenza spirituale del pittore con una suora; da Manzù, con l. a. sua mistica Cappella della velocity, all'inconfondibile Chagall, con l. a. delicata poesia del suo Cristo e il pittore. Dopo aver attraversato e fatto dialogare tra loro epoche, continenti, tradition, fedi, stili, il percorso giunge alla sua ultima tappa, davanti al Giudizio Universale, nella Cappella Sistina, dove «si approda alla fantastic e al effective del mondo e della storia». los angeles solenne e folgorante conclusione di un viaggio contrassegnato, come afferma l'autore citando dei versi di Mario Luzi, da «immagini irrevocabili in keeping with intensità e bellezza», accomunate da quella tensione «all'Oltre e all'Altro», da quella vocazione a esprimere l'Invisibile che sono l. a. sostanza stessa dell'arte.

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Art and Spiritual Transformation: The Seven Stages of Death by Finley Eversole

By Finley Eversole

The primal function of paintings in awakening and releasing the soul of humanity

• offers a seven-stage trip of transformation relocating from the darkened soul to the sunshine of religious illumination

• offers a meditation perform to adventure the religious power embedded inside of paintings

• comprises artists Alex gray, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Walter Gaudnek, and others

Art and religious Transformation offers a seven-stage trip from the darkened soul to the sunshine of religious illumination that's attainable during the international of artwork. Finley Eversole introduces a meditation perform that strikes past the visible content material of an artwork shape with a view to connect to its embedded non secular power, permitting the viewer to faucet in to the deeper cognizance inherent within the paintings and wake up dormant powers within the depths of the viewer’s soul.

Examining glossy and postmodern art from 1945 onward, Eversole unearths the impacts of historic Egypt, India, China, and alchemy in this paintings. He attracts commonly on philosophy, delusion and symbolism, literature, and metaphysics to give an explanation for the seven phases of non secular demise and rebirth of the soul attainable via artwork: the event of self-loss, the adventure into the underworld, the adventure of the darkish evening of the soul, the clash with and overcome evil, the awakening of recent existence within the depths of being, and the go back and reintegration of awareness on a better airplane of being, ensuing eventually in ecstasy, transfiguration, illumination, and liberation. to demonstrate those phases, Eversole contains works by way of summary expressionists Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko and sleek visionary artists Alex gray and Ernst Fuchs, between others, to bare the strong and releasing forces artwork contributes to the transformation and evolution of human consciousness.

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Murals and Tourism: Heritage, Politics and Identity by Jonathan Skinner,Lee Jolliffe

By Jonathan Skinner,Lee Jolliffe

Around the realm, travelers are attracted to stopover at work of art painted on partitions. even if historical past asset, legacy leftover, or contested paintings house, the mural is greater than an easy vacationer charm or unintentional element of tourism fabric tradition. They convey anything in regards to the politics, history and identification of the destinations being visited, even if a medieval fresco in an Italian church, or smooth political paintings present in Belfast or Tehran.

This interdisciplinary and hugely foreign booklet explores tourism round work of art which are both evolving or have transitioned as tools of politics, history and id. It explores the varied messaging of those work of art: their construction, interpretation, advertising and – every now and then – destruction. It argues that the mural is greater than an easy vacationer appeal or unintended element of tourism fabric tradition.

Murals and Tourism

can be invaluable studying for these drawn to cultural geography, tourism, history reports and the visible arts.

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Im Dienste der Gemeinschaft – Figurative Wandmalerei in der by Friederike Schuler

By Friederike Schuler

Die mannigfaltigen Kunstformen der Weimarer Republik sind gleichsam auch wertvolle Zeugnisse ihrer politischen wie gesellschaftlichen Zustände. Gerade die figurative Wandmalerei in privaten, vor allem aber auch in öffentlichen Gebäuden, kam in den 1920er Jahren zu neuer Blüte und legt, im Spannungsfeld aus persönlichen, politischen und künstlerischen Interessen, das zeitgenössische Menschenbild sowie das Weimarer Selbstverständnis auch für die heutige kunsthistorische Betrachtung offen. Friederike Schuler unternimmt eine in ihrem Umfang einmalige Untersuchung zur figurativen Wandmalerei der Weimarer Republik. Dabei adressiert sie neben wichtigen Werken von Erich Heckel, Oskar Schlemmer, Willi Baumeister oder Johan Thorn Prikker, auch solche heute weniger bekannter Künstler. Der beigefügte Katalog bildet eine wertvolle und grundlegende Materialsammlung, in der neben technischen info, Angaben zum Erhaltungszustand und den Auftraggebern auch die Ergebnisse der umfangreichen Quellenrecherche in Archiven und Zeitschriften verzeichnet sind.

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Den Kopf halt kühl, die Füße warm!: Sprichwörtliche by Helmut A. Seidl

By Helmut A. Seidl

»Den Kopf halt kühl, die Füße warm!" Wer kennt sie nicht, diese wohl populärste deutsche Gesundheitsregel? Doch wie ist sie eigentlich entstanden? Und used to be hat es mit all den anderen, uns heute oft sonderbar erscheinenden Ratschlägen der Volksmedizin auf sich? Warum hilft Pfeffer dem Mann aufs Pferd, der Frau aber unter die Erd? Welche Wunder tut Holunder? Der Schlaf bei wieviel Stund’ ist Jung und Alt gesund? Der Sprichwortexperte Helmut A. Seidl erklärt, used to be hinter den Aussagen der Volksmedizin über den Körper und seine Teile, Speis und Trank, Gemüt und Glaube, Wetter und Jahreszeit, Tiere und Pflanzen, Ärzte und Krankheiten steckt. Die Zusammenschau von Medizin, Kulturgeschichte und Sprichwortkunde fördert aufschlussreiche Ergebnisse zu Tage. Seidls Funde sind stets lehrreich, amüsant und launig. Das ideale Geschenkbuch, nicht nur für Gesundheitsapostel oder Hypochonder!

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