Metacognition: A Textbook for Cognitive, Educational, by John Dunlosky,Janet Metcalfe

By John Dunlosky,Janet Metcalfe

Metacognition is the 1st textbook to target people's outstanding skill to guage and regulate their cognitive strategies. This complete textual content covers either theoretical and empirical metacognitive examine in academic, developmental, cognitive and utilized psychology.

Authors John Dunlosky and Janet Metcalfe handle a few of the key questions that experience encouraged scientists to pursue study during this area. to reply to those and plenty of different questions, the authors examine significant theoretical issues and programmatic learn within the box. The authors additionally contain chapters that outline the scope of metacognition and canopy its ancient origins. not just do they describe well-received theories concerning the nature of metacognition, yet additionally they spotlight unresolved mysteries at present at the state-of-the-art of study.

Key beneficial properties

  • Emphasizes the sensible relevance of conception and examine in metacognition to studying with using "Application" packing containers
  • Introduces scholars to big questions that experience but to be spoke back by means of the metacognitive study literature with the inclusion of "Mystery" boxes
  • Provides three easy-to-conduct demonstrations (e.g., tip-of-the-tongue event, delayed-judgment-of-learning influence, etc.) that scholars can try out themselves
  • Offers short biographies that introduce scholars to a few of the main influential leaders in metacognition
  • Includes a normal precis on the finish of every chapte

Intended Audience

This textual content is a perfect source for undergraduate cognitive psychology scholars. It additionally serves as entire guide for extra complex scholars and mental scientists engaged within the learn of metacognitive procedures.

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