Polyamory. Beziehungsgestaltung polyamorer Menschen: Eine by Sonja Friedwagner

By Sonja Friedwagner

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Sozialpsychologie, be aware: intestine, Universität Salzburg (Psychologie), Sprache: Deutsch, summary: the current paper is worried with the fewer studied version of courting of „Polyamory”. This definition stands for the sensible adventure of getting a love courting to a couple of associate even as. within the wisdom, that each one concerned companions learn about it and are complete aware of the placement. this is often the 1st exploration of “polyamore” relationships. The phenomenon “Polyamory” was resolute with methodical assorted ways, outlined within the “Triangulationsmodels”, which mixed methodical diverse ways in separate reviews. there's a questionnaire and a code of training. The members are among the age of 20 and fifty five . The questions pertains to democraphic dates like age, gender commencement and occupation. moreover was once requested approximately how the “polyamore” courting built, sexual orientation, period of the connection and age of the companions. one other topic have been youngsters, who occured of such “polyamory” relationships. The query used to be, if there are kids or no longer. If certain, what percentage and the way they've been cited? humans have been additionally requested, in the event that they had any suggestion approximately this subject and the occurence in society. a few questions handled the standard of the connection, frequency of touch and the neighborhood distinction among the companions. one other giant sector used to be the social atmosphere and the subject sexuality. emotions of affection and jealousy in “polyamory”relationships. at the very least “polyamory” humans have been requested within the questionnaire and interview what they suggestion will be worthy stating.
KeywordsPolyamory, Beziehung, courting, Liebe, Lov

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