Process Work in Person-Centred Therapy by Richard Worsley

By Richard Worsley

This precise and critical e-book breaks new floor within the conception and perform of person-centred psychotherapy by means of targeting the problem of process.

Process belongs to either consumer and counsellor. Worsley conceptualises approach in terms of the middle rules of the person-centred strategy but in addition to the humanistic and phenomenological roots of person-centred remedy. Combining educational rigour with the knowledge of an skilled medical practitioner, he opens up a extra inclusive and integrative approach of being with consumers that still chimes with classical person-centred principles.

The publication features:

• actions and vibrant case reviews to demonstrate and extend at the theoretical issues being built, permitting the reader to determine simply how those may possibly follow to practice.
• Engagement with theoretical ways akin to transactional research and Gestalt, in addition to dialogue of philosophy, spirituality and psychopathology.
• New dialogue of the methods fascinated with psychological affliction, drawing at the paintings of Prouty and Warner to appreciate the client's global of experiencing.
• New fabric at the plural self and configurations of the self.

This is a ebook aimed largely at collage scholars enrolled on classes in person-centred, humanistic, existential and integrative counselling and psychotherapy. it's going to additionally entice skilled practitioners desirous to refresh and deepen their understanding.

RICHARD WORSLEY is a person-centred therapist, manager and coach on the collage of Warwick, united kingdom. previously Director of the degree in Humanistic Counselling at Tile Hill MA26, Coventry, he additionally has lengthy adventure operating as an Anglican Priest. he's co-editor with Stephen Joseph of Person-Centred Psychopathology: a favorable Psychology of psychological future health.

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