The Magic Prism: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language by Howard Wettstein

By Howard Wettstein

The overdue twentieth century observed nice move within the philosophy of language, usually severe of the fathers of the subject--Gottlieb Frege and Bertrand Russell--but occasionally supportive of (or even shielding approximately) the paintings of the fathers. Howard Wettstein's sympathies lie with the critics. yet he says that they have got usually misconceived their severe undertaking, treating it in ways in which are technically centred and that leave out the deeper implications in their innovative problem. Wettstein argues that Wittgenstein--a determine with whom the critics of Frege and Russell tend to be unsympathetic--laid the basis for far of what's fairly progressive during this overdue twentieth century movement.

The topic itself may be of significant curiosity, given that philosophy of language has functioned as one of those beginning for a lot of twentieth century philosophy. yet in reality it is still an issue for experts, because the principles are tricky and the mode of presentation is frequently relatively technical. during this ebook, Wettstein brings the non-specialist into the dialog (especially in early chapters); he additionally reconceives the talk in a manner that avoids technical formula. The Magic Prism is meant for pro philosophers, graduate scholars, and higher department undergraduates.

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