God In The Obama Era: Presidents' Religion and Ethics from by Niels C. Nielsen

By Niels C. Nielsen

Election 2008 became out to be a watershed contests, trying to the most important judgements of coverage switch concerning the struggle in Iraq, the foreign financial system, international warming, social safeguard and immigration. God within the Obama period is written for normal readers and is designed to assist in giving objectivity and point of view on debated matters. Its process is narrative and chronological, now not dogmatic. Its premise is that the modern presidency stands in an extended old culture, which stipulations either philosophical, and cost judgments. A pupil, who has written in either the background and philosophy of faith, the writer is attracted to the long run ethical values and spiritual symbols that encourage either electorate and public officers. in fact, he's not so naïve as to believe that fact is often on one aspect of the election divide. essentially, the U. S. structure promises either freedom of worship and the non-establishment of faith. yet religion convictions stay a robust ideological strength in American politics.

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